Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Start Here - Introduction/Preface/Whatever

".. I have had the opportunity to observe human beings for seven decades, and if you do it for that long and don't have a foul disposition, either you're simple or you haven't been paying attention." - Dave Petzal

This is essentially a blog aimed at ham radio-related stuff, with some content concerning my experience in the U.S. Air Force, from 1968 to 1972 (active duty.  From separation in August 1972, I also was committed for 2 more years in the "Inactive Reserves", where, so I was told, something would really awful would have to happen before I'd have to worry about shoe-horning my fat ass into the uniform I left in 1972).  

Also you may find some comments reflecting my opinions on other facets of life, including politics.  

There is the "The Radio Amateurs's Code" which is the mission statement for ham radio operators.  Unfortunately, having had my ham license since 1993, I have seen few hams who share these principals.  

I got my ham license, a No-Code Technician class, N9VJQ, in 1993.  Since then, I was blessed by lots of spare time (long-term disability) and a curiosity inspired and encouraged by my parents.  Since then, I had the callsigns KG9KZ, W9JBL, and, currently, my father's, KN4JRF.  I got W9JBL (and KN4JRF, both Vanity callsigns) as an Extra Class.

I spent most of my ham-time helping out on Public Service/Storm Spotter/Emergency Communications events.  And, after I got my Extra Class, became a Amateur Radio Volunteer Examiner, helping new applicants get their licenses. 

I also remember my father saying, "You are judged by the company you keep".  I hope when I'm gone, I'll be judged favorably by some.

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